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  • 1 Year Of YouTube

    1 Year completed in my YouTube journey... On March 28th, 2020 I started my YouTube channel for all the students who learn Drama & Theater. Those days many students were at home and they were unable to learn so, I wanted to prove that we can successfully teach in this online method. As a result, I started this YouTube channel with many challenges but I successfully face all the challenges and proved that we can teach students online... Thank you all for being with me for such a long time. Many said that we can't do practical in this online method but I proved to all of them that we can teach practical too. After the A/L and O/L examinations, I got many lovely comments from those who learned from me. Those comments made me do more and more videos... As a lecturer, I have a lot of work to do but, somehow I managed to fulfill your expectations... I've done many things such as Audio Books, Motivational videos, etc... I invite you all to stay with me every time. Comment your questions in the comment section... I will reply to every comment and give my full support to you... Once again thanks all for staying with me...

  • සබඳ.......

    ලෝකය රඟ හලකි අපි එහි රන්ගන්නෝ වෙමු... එත් අපට කොතරම් කල් එය කළ හැකිද? නොදනිමි මම... ඔබද නොදනී... ඔබත් මමත් නොදන්නා නොතේරුනු... මෙදියත... තටු විහිදා... රඟ දෙමු... රැඳෙනා තෙක් පණ නල කොරෝනා! තටු සිඳදා සිර කළද කැදැල්ලක සිතින්... අප සිර කළ හැකිද? විහිද යමු ගුවන කරා... ඇවිද යමු දියත කරා... සිතුම් සිතුවිලි පාරාදීසේ... එන්න මා හා එක්වන්න... ඔබත් මාත් එකම පාරක ගමන් ගමු දෑත් දිගු කර මිතුදමේ... ❤ - Niranjala Karunarathne

  • Motivation - Lets win the Life/ ජීවිතය ජය ගමු

    This is a Motivational video. It is focus on how to overcome challenges in our life.... ඔබත් මෙය ක්‍රියාත්මක කර බලන්න. අනිවාර්යයෙන් ජය ගත හැකි වනු ඇත.

  • A/L Drama & Theater Past Paper Discussion 2019 - Paper 2 #Part ii

    ඔබ A/L වලට භය වෙලාද? සරලව පාඩම් මතක තබාගන්න මෙන්න අත්වැලක්. This is 2019 Drama & Theater Past Paper Discussion. This will help for A/L, National College of Education and University Students.

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